Urban architecture and ownership of space beyond the standard height

Document Type : Original Article


1 art uni of esfshan

2 Associate Professor, Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought

3 department


Urban space is a very limited element in the present era, and fair use is the special spokesperson for innovation in public areas of architecture and urban planning. By utilizing these provided bases, obtaining a city-wide justice complex, managing and controlling the hotel's construction beyond the conventional limit, is a special property. Managing and controlling this type of space is a drug of late, and consequently, a special kind of personality. With this in mind, you can obtain your rights using this article. By using the evaluated classes, the siege of the brother, the special property, beyond the normal limits of power, first: the property becomes the property and the kind of objective property, not right or interest. Secondly, Pyrrlf's theory of optimum radiation is outside the jurisdiction of the Earth. Third: Decision-making and amended rules are possible with more restrictions, this type of space is among the public property and the commonality of the offerings, as well as the use of common law, non-transferable and any special ownership. building


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