Judicial propriety, criteria of determining and instances in the legal system of iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 judge

2 law faculty of allame university


Man is free by nature, and does not accept any form and kind of limitation. However, some jobs, due to their particularity, entail special limitation and conduct that must be observed by the people in those positions. Judging is one of the careers and professional that always surrounded by its limitation called judicial Propriety or professional ethical principles. The importance of observing these principle is that much high that disrespecting to them leads to losing the qualification of having such a position, no matter how qualified is the person practically and scientifically. This matter in the other hand that can ruin independence and job security of the judges. However, the vague definition and instance of such principles of Propriety have caused the judges to feel confused regarding the compatibility and incompatibility of them. This paper tries to study the definition, instances, and criteria of determining the behavior against the Propriety.



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