Comparative study of Iranian companies in Iranian law with civil companies in French law

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Law, Faculty of Law, Kashan University, iran


Comparative comparison between proportional partnership of Iran law and civil partnership of France law represents that "partnership concept", "general rules of partnership law" and "civil partnership" aren’t in civil code. The regulations of partnership of commercial law need to be reviewed. So, the legislator must create these concepts and review or organize them.  Comparative Study of the regulations about the partnership of Iran civil code helps considerably to derive and solve the problems. These regulations define diffusion and express it as state of partnership. The regulations of article 571of civil code are sufficiently illustrative in this aspect. The elements of definition used in it are as follows: subject unity, the unity of applied right and plurality of owner. In this research, by focusing the elements of partnership namely the intention of being partner, the intention of taking profit and capital stock, we create partnership concept and then we found civil partnership based on its bases. Also, by focusing the security of third party, we suggest general rules for partnership law in civil code and some reforms in commercial law. So, it is possible to allocate the traditional rules of contract law by focusing such party.


Main Subjects


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