Saudi Arabia' Obligations on Haj and pilgrims in the Mirror of Sharia, Municipal and International Law

Document Type : Original Article


Protection of rights of foreigners and aliens is one of the oldest issues in transnational and international relations, and those who travel to other countries for scientific, cultural and religious goals, are more respectful and protected and so the cultural and religious places and centers which are aimed at by peoples from different places, nations and religions. Nowadays, some sacred places like Beyt al Maghdess and Al Aqsa Mosque are of that status which spiritually belong to the followers of all divine religions. Mecca also has the same character in the sight of all Abraham religions and it's security, peace and welfare in this place for it's residents and visitors has been asked by prophet Abraham and the divine will. Such a position of these places raises some obligations on the government within it's territory these centers are located. Saudi Arabia's primary obligations in this respect, from Sharia, municipal and international law perspective with some references to Islamic jurisprudence , are under discussion in this essay.


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