Conventionally Preferred Meaning of the Verses and Hadiths Clarifying the Religious Law with an Eye to the Verse which Forbids Appointing the Other to Do Wrong

Document Type : Original Article


* Mentor of Kharij and Usul in Qom Secintific Seminary: Member of Scientific Council, Islamic Insttute of Culture and Thought


That the conventionally preferred meaning of “the verses of rules” and some verses which introduce some general rules can be used or not is one of the issues which should be discussed in Principles of Jurisprudence. Those who say that they cannot be used are not of the same opinion. Some of them think that some verses are only mentions made to some details which shall be introduced later and there is no use meant; and, some other verses are mentions made to something which have been explained earlier in other statements without any use in this regard. Those who accept making uses of the meaning are of the opinion that it is certain and proved. Some of them think that it would be proved by referring to the Infallible’s sirah and some others are of the opinion that it would be proved by referring to the words or to the situation and they make uses of such meanings in their Fatwas.
An analysis shows that possibility or impossibility of making uses in the Quranic verses and some hadiths is a conventional, and not rational, issue. To decide that whether the Quranic verses and hadiths may be applied or not, the conditions of the Islamic legislator with all its properties in legislation and explication of the religious law should be weighed against convention and the legislator should be invited to judge. The present article discusses this point. 
