Jurisprudential foundations expert witness validation in criminal matters and its territory with emphasizing the wise way

Document Type : Original Article


1 teacher

2 aa


There are many foundations in the word of the jurists for expert witness validation. Acceptance of them has specific effects, especially on the scope of expert witness validation and its circumstances. In this research, while criticizing the basics of the credibility of the expert evidence, such as accuracy because of witness validation, unique news, obstruction, assurance and judges awareness, prove that the correct basis in the validation of expert witness is wise way.
Based on this expert opinion on the external issue of the subject, because of existence wise way, it is an independent reason for proving issues and its not just way for the judge awareness, but in proving crime and citation, according to lack of the same way between the Imams and wise men, in referring to the expert opinion, the wise is not an independent reason but merely a sign of based on suspicion that along with other signs can be a documentary for judges awareness. In matters of judgment – such as determine Arsh- expert evidence is not validation, but it can not described as an argument.


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