A comparative study of collective management of copyright in musical works

Document Type : Original Article


1 Broadcasting Organization

2 Researcher


Music, as one of the seven arts, has existed in all societies, past and present, and is considered as one of the most important and significant features of world culture. Emotions and ideas expressed by music, situations in which music is played and listened to, and attitudes toward musicians and composers strongly influenced by social, economic, climate, access to technology, and religious issues. contract. Artists have come to the conclusion over time that the implementation of some rights related to their works alone is difficult and in many cases impossible, and it is better to have an institution to pursue and manage their rights so that they can create new works with more leeway. Think; Therefore, in each country, according to their conditions and sometimes using the experiences of other countries, various types of collective management organizations have formed copyright and related rights. Establishing a collective copyright management system in Iran can raise the level of copyright and related rights protection and professionalize the business in these areas, thereby improving the position of copyright holders such as composers, singers, writers and artists. The species that best enjoy the commercial benefits of their work and on the other hand leads to the growth of cultural and artistic industries in the country and better meets the needs of society and consumers.


Main Subjects

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