Minimum and maximum term of hodood expulsion from the point of view of jurisprudence and law

Document Type : Original Article


Islamic research institute for culture and thought


One of the uncertainties is the detention limit and the maximum term of exile. The period of exile in virginity is one lunar year. The term of exile of Qawad has been determined by law for a period of one year. However, from a jurisprudential point of view, this view is not defendable, and the point of view of the article is that it is to determine the duration of exile with the ruler, and at least it should be in such a way that the gurus is punished and determined. The maximum is also with the ruler, and after tolerating the common sense of the punishment of exile, with the abandonment of the exile limit is abandoned. In the case of exile in warfare from the perspective of the law it is at least one year and the maximum for it is not stated in the law and it is at the discretion of the judge, but after one year if the wrath of repentance is attained, the arguments of the jurists are different and Makhtar's article It is the determination of the duration of the exile of the mohareb with the ruler, and at least the exile of the mohareb should be such that the punishment does not apply and that it does not cause unhappiness, and when the exile mohareb repent, the exile is abandoned by tolerating the common sense of the punishment of exile and repentance.


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