A review of the concept of the sense of Judicial Justice

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD, Private Law, Islamic Research Institute for Culture and Thought

2 Assistant professor, University of Tehran


The purpose of this article is to get acquainted with the concept of the sense of judicial justice and the explanation of the characteristics and criteria of its existence in society. This research is based on the library method and the review and analysis of the views expressed on the sense of judicial justice. The sense of justice is not mean the excitement, but is the sense of the existence of justice in the context of judicial review. This sense is affected by many factors, many of which are irrelevant to the process of handling. But in any case, the interaction and the judicial organization will have the greatest impact in creating this sense. According to some authors the commitment of individuals to court sentences is an indication of the existence of a sense of judicial justice. But the commitment of community members to trusting and tending to the judicial system and moving in the legal logic is a general criterion and includes the idea of a sense of judicial justice in society.


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