The review of legal basis of the “commanding right and forbidding wrong” with regard to contemporary human rights

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor, Islamic Revolution Research Center, University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran


Much importance has been attached to ‘commanding right and forbidding’ wrong in verses and hadiths, so that many jurisprudence scholars know it as the basis of the revolution against tyrannies and establishment of the Islamic system on one hand and the government's most important sustainability and durability strategy on the other hand. However despite the fact that the 8th Article of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran has introduced it as public duty, still there isn't necessary context to understand its goals and legal status for the legal scholars and governors to promote and institution-build and for the public thoughts to perform and demand it. It seems that the explanation of the legal basis of this social obligation can propound a proper intellectual pattern to other Muslim and human societies to ensure legal and ethical values. Accordingly, in this paper, firstly, the views presented on rational principles of ‘commanding right and forbidding wrong’ will be reviewed and criticized; Secondly, goals shared with contemporary legal institutions will be mentioned; and thirdly, the higher position of it in regard to the possession of justified basis, than the contemporary human rights organization will be proved.
