Ḥarim-e Ḥimā (protected area) Rule

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor at Islamic Research Institute for Culture and Thought, Quran Studies Department


Associate professor, Islamic Institution for culture and Thought, Quran and Hadith department Protecting shari'a rulings or "Ḥarim-e Ḥimā" (protected area) rule is one of Fiqh general rules inferred from Quran and traditions (Al-sunna). With an intention of more certain protection from shari'a rulings, according to this rule, one can extend definite prohibition (Al-Hurma) from core point of the rulings to the surrounding area. This rule is also valid among custom and rationals. Accepting this rule can be a turning point in Fiqh Inference and legislature or policy making. Macro cultural and juridical policy making can benefit from the rule and manage risk points properly.
